how to hide my followers and following list on instagram

How to Hide My Followers and Following List On Instagram

Hello friends, Do you want to know the method/trick on How to Hide My Followers and Following List On Instagram from your friends/others and make your privacy more secure from knowing others about your personal interests. for your privacy and hiding followers and following list on Instagram, there are some account settings available on the app to make more secure your privacy as well.

how to hide my followers and following list on instagram

For Securing our Instagram account from stalkers and other people is a frustrating thing among some of us.or some times we need to restrict or hide details from accessing your followers and following list for a specific person you select from the list.

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How to Hide My Followers and Following List On Instagram?

Can I hide my followers and following list from others/stalkers on Instagram?

Yeah,you can definitely hide your followers and the following list from the public people/stalkers/others by changing your Instagram account from public to private.

You can easily switch to private account from profile > Settings > Privacy Settings

how to hide my following list

Then just click on account privacy to switch to a private account as well. if you change your Instagram profile to public, you will get notified every time if anyone sends a follow request and you can accept them if you know that particular person as well. then if you don’t accept that request, they can’t see the following list and followers list.

hide my followers list instagram

Can I hide my followers and the following list from my friends?

hiding followers and your following list on the Instagram account is currently not possible from hiding from friends you accepted the following request. but if you want to hide that followers list from a selected specific people there are only two option you can do to hide followers and following list.

To hide followers and following list for temporary/permanently you can go with;

Removing him from your followers list to hide your followers on Instagram

hide my following instagram
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Instagram app has a new feature released recently which helps to remove unknown stalkers/others who you don’t want to see your posts and followers list and the following can be removed in one click.

Or For can also make that person don’t find your Instagram account again and follows you go with block option which is directly available on the profile of the person you want to remove.

how to hide following list instagram

I hope all my friends who read this post on How to Hide My Followers and Following List On Instagram solves your problem well. also, make sure to click the subscribe button to receive the latest updates on Instagram tips and tricks and new Instagram filters instantly. Also, Add me As Your Friend On Instagram!

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