Hello Everyone! Wanna know How To Join Goth Clique In Bitlife Tricks / how to join the goths in bitlife game/ right you are at the perfect place! here in this article, we will show you how you can easily join bitlife goth clique.

The Bitlife is a very popular interesting game that is based on text-based and a real life simulation game. in bitlife game you can do anything as well as a real-life simulator. in bit life game you can join any type of goth cliques.
you can join on different cliques according to your personality and friends you have in company with you as well, you can find how to join Goth Clique In Bitlife that is added below.
How To Join Goth Clique In Bitlife Tricks
Now a days Bitlife users are looking for how to join goths, if you are also one of them to Join the Goth Clique in bitlife,

You Should have these things in bitlife,
- Lower Happiness of your character.
- Getting lower looks in bitlife.
After you join the school you will see a new feature or option to join the Cliques. If you select this Cliques tab you can see and find the various groups available in your school as well. also, you can lower your happiness level by joining the Cliques like “Mean Girls” that will not accept you.Try joining the cliques that will always reject you everytime to lower the happiness level easily.
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For joining Goths cliques try to make your happiness level to red and decrease your looks as well.if you select a character on starting time you can continue the character by following the bad diet as well.
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After making both the Happines level to red and lowering the looks you can start joining the Goth Clique in bitlife game. all you have to do is tap on the school name, from there just select the cliques from there.
Lovering your looks in bitlife game is a little bit task, if you select or start a new character to select low looks at that time is the better choice in this game.
After that tap on the Goth Cliques from the options, now you are ready to start hanging out with them easily!
Hope you all enjoyed reading this article on How To Join Goth Clique In Bitlife Tricks/ how to join the goth clique in bitlife well, also, for any doubts ask here on Instagram and support us by subscribing to receive the latest tech updates, instagram filters, tiktok filters and snapchat instantly!