tiny cat face filter effect tiktok

How To Get Tiny Cat Face Filter On Tiktok

Have you noticed a new tiny cat face filter effect is being used by many cat lovers on many tiktok videos and reels on Instagram as well, it getting trending everywhere right now, if you also have cute pets you should use it now because it makes you laugh for sure!

tiny cat face filter tiktok

By using this funny effect on tiktok and showing the mobile phone’s camera to your pets or anyone’s face it will show up as a very smaller one, you may have seen some videos by using dogs, cats, people face etc works well.

so many users have been reported this tiny cat face filter is not accessible on their mobile devices and some regions are restricted, that’s why people use some type of concave lenses to make their pet face smaller while looking through it!

if you follow the latest trends there is more chance to get a lot of attention for that video on social media apps, if you use proper hashtags and good edits in it. if someone swipe up and see your video and watch it more than half of that video it will get more views as well.

Also read – How to do the Nationality Challenge Filter On Tiktok

so let’s get straight into the topic, here is how you can do it from your iPhone or Android device,

How to get Tiny Cat Face Filter On Tiktok?

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To get this funny tiny face filter you guys have to search for “Tiny Cat Face Filter” on the search bar that you can see on the top right side of the tiktok app home screen. usually, this effect will show up at the top search results. from there just tap on the video camera icon on the right side of the effect name to use it!

tiny face filter tiktok

if you guys are not able to see them in the search results, this effect might not be supported in your region or mobile device. so use VPN App and adjust your regions and launch app again. then you will see the effect icon without any issues.

if still not seeing the effect use this direct effect link from here to a video posted by a user recently. from there you will see the effect label on yellow above the user’s name. once you tap on it will be able to use it and crate video as well.

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