how to learn to swim bitlife

How To Learn To Swim In Bitlife Titanic Challenge

Hey Readers! Are you looking for How To Learn To Swim In Bitlife Titanic Challenge, right? In Bitlife life simulator game there is a new challenge available now called titanic challenge!h now you are at the right place here you can easily do or know how to learn swim in bitlife easily!

how to learn to swim in bitlife

Bitlife is an amazing Life Simulator Game which is available for IOS and Android Devices there you can live as a character in game. there are already millions of users who play this game world wide and so on.

In Bitlife life simulator game, according to the story of Titanic you need to live as Rose in the bitlife game titanic challenge. there are some essential requirements you need to do for the Titanic Challenge.

  • In Bitlife you should be a female and your name should be rose.
  • Should know how to swim
  • Cheat on a fiance
  • throw 5ct+ of diamond
  • in-game become an art model
  • Shipwreck survive

the first requirement to complete the Titanic Challenge is you need to start Bitlife with a female character named Rose as well.then increase your age and do more atletics activities on bitlife.


How To Learn To Swim In Bitlife Titanic Challenge?

To complete the Bitlife challenge you need to learn swimming in birtlife as well. To Learn Swimming in Bitlife, after creating the female character named rose, you can increase your age and join schools first. then you can join swimming clubs that will be available on your school from school activities..

learn swim in bitlife

Your character named rose should be good physical fit in bitlife, you can increase physical fitness by doing fitness related activities or walking etc can easily increase the Rose Character’s athleticism from the tab “Mind and Body” easily!

To Complete the Titanic challenge you need to complete all of the steps provided above and learning to swim is only one of them but that is little bit confusing to the new bitlife users.

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many if us are not familier and how to learn this swimming thing in bitlife. after that you should cheat on fiance and become a model, survive a shipwreck and you should throw away 5ct+ diamond to complete the challenge.

You can simply check out this article to know about how to complete the titanic challenge from here!

Hope you all likes this article on How To Learn To Swim In Bitlife Titanic Challenge well, also for any doubts contact here and supporting us by subscribing to us to receive the latest updates on how to tech, instagram filters, tiktok filters and snapchat instantly!

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