how to make you brand popular on instagram

Emberify: 5 Credible Hacks To Popularize Your Brand on Instagram

Still, using Instagram just to scroll through other users’ videos? Then, you are missing out on a lot of great things. The evolution is impressive from a platform for featuring photographs to a most powerful marketing tool. As mentioned above, it all started as a platform just for posting photos, and videos. But its up-to-date trends and unique features attracted billions of users. Understanding its power, people started utilizing it for various purposes. 

grow brand through instagram

Such as increasing their brand awareness, recognition, traffic, etc., you know, the list goes on. Users sometimes buy likes Instagram as it helps them achieve their objectives instantly. So what are you waiting for? It is time to step up and increase popularity. need clarification about how to get started? We have come to the rescue.

Why did Do Brands need to Leverage Instagram?

Why not? Who will miss such great opportunities when a platform provides bonafide results without any restrictions? No one! Still not convinced why a brand should be on it? Then read further. Fact Alert! There are over 1.4 billion users. These users are not only present on Instagram but actively use it in their daily lives. 

Also, on average, users spend at least thirty minutes every day on this platform. So isn’t this a heavenly place for brands to market their product or service? Additionally, a brand can find potential users, convert them into customers and even interact with them anytime.

Now that you have entered to Instagram, it is time to get famous. Therefore, let us jump straight into some methods that can include in the marketing strategy. 

5 Hacks That Will Aid a Brand Increase Its Popularity

1. Be Active

The number 1 rule should follow to succeed in the journey is to be active. Just creating a business account will reap no results. Get involved. Explore all the options and methods available on the app and use it efficiently to attract interested audiences.

2. Leverage as Many Features as Possible

A brand can find and engage with its customers efficiently. But how? As we all know, countless feature options are available there. Here are a few popular features that most brands use. They are

  • Reels Feature
  • Ability to go Live
  • Share Stories
  • Promote by using Paid Ads
  • Shop store feature
  • Stories Highlights
  • Hashtags
  • Check Analytics
  • Direct Messages etc.

Apart from those mentioned above, various other options like filters, editing tools, effects, boomerangs, pin comments, video replies, captions, geotagging, QR codes, and more. Indeed that was a huge list. 

Therefore a business owner must utilize all these. For what? To attain specified goals and objectives more skillfully. Also, using as many features as possible will bring success at some point. If you want instant results, you can also try options like Emberify as the results are more authentic and effective.

3. Engage With Audiences

Social media platforms were introduced primarily for communication purposes. Users can talk with people present in any corner of the world. Unfortunately, in today’s reality, one of the brands’ greatest mistakes is not properly communicating. But it would be best if did not make mistakes. Below are some modes can use to engage. 


These are also called Direct Messages. Through this option, can reply through text messages to customers. Also, this is a standard communication mode where customers inquire about products and services. So keep an eye on this and be in touch with others constantly.


Comments are another great way to interact with people. users may comment under posts, Reels, or Live. It can be a question or feedback, or even a suggestion. Answer or reply to those comments then and there. Replying to as many comments as possible will help to increase customer loyalty. 

Through Video Replies

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Replying through videos is a new trend. For example, let us say a customer asks for price details under one reel’s videos. What would you do? Instead of directly commenting, make a separate Reels video. It will be more descriptive and engaging for an audience. 

4. Post Genuine Customer Testimonials

When a user visits a profile, the first thing they do is, examine whether a page is authentic or not. But how to prove a brand’s authenticity? One way is getting verified. Another great way is posting a hundred percent honest customer feedback or testimonials. Then, you can post them on Status. 

Later you can showcase these Stories by putting them in Stories Highlights. So when a user visits your profile, the chances of them trusting increases. They may even become future customers. Apart from testimonials, can also opt for Emberify to increase follower counts.

5. Set Off With Latest Trends

In order to get popularized, being updated is a very vital thing. As you all know, trends on social media are ever-shifting. A trend that was viral yesterday is outdated today. So be updated with new trends, audio, stickers, filters, etc., to stay on track. Take advantage of this step, as so many competitors are out there!

Insta has become a handy marketing tool for businesses. A complete package with all tools necessary is available on this platform. Now it is time to elevate your brand’s popularity using this platform. Get started today! We hope the above information has given you a few actionable strategies.

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