how to get huge hell rock pet sim x

How To Get Huge Hell Rock on Pet Simulator X

Huge hell rock on the pet simulator x Roblox game is the new pet item everyone is talking about right now! after releasing the new update, the developers introduced many more cool items as well! you can now collect it by doing some required tasks.

how to get huge hell rock pet simulator x

A huge hell rock pet is a powerful and exclusive item (very rare item) that can be used to do damage to more than 70% of your other favorite pets you own in the game. once you have seen his abilities you will be extremely wondered!

pet simulator x is one of the biggest game experiences available on the Roblox server by Preston. many gamers love this game where you can collect many pets having different abilities and powers, collect points, trade items with friends, mine, unlock many maps and locations, and a lot more! more than 3.8 billion+ visits have been completed for this experience now!

How to get Huge Hell Rock on pet simulator x?

Here are some of the finest methods you can try to get huge hell rock,

  • Doing the best Trades with other players who have the hell rock
  • try hatching eggs from the Hell eggs Area have more chance

it is said to be this event will be held on for 8 days only already started on 21 July and will be closed soon! another cool this about this is there is a chance to unlock this by hatching all types of eggs available in the game! there is no need to open or look up a particular type of egg to do the hatching process!

after these 8 days that will be changed to any other methods to get it! so don’t miss this chance to collect this gem and add it to your own inventory. most players are using the “auto hatch on” feature on starter eggs, forest, beach, mine, pixel, and others do these steps quickly.

get huge hell rock pet
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please note that it requires many coins and there is only less chance of 1% out of 100 or less to find it by following that method, if you are lucky enough make sure to give it a try! some users also use certain tactics and tricks to unlock the hell rock in the fastest way by doing the great trades with the players on the server.

also read – How To Get Huge Easter Cat In Pet Simulator X?

till now many players and YouTubers who regularly update videos based on pet sim x still not gotten this rare item. most of them are still trying their best to achieve it! maybe because has more demand, we can hope after this 8-day period the other ways will be also added by the developers.

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