tiktok kung fu panda filter

How To Get Kung Fu Panda Filter On Tiktok

A new effect on tiktok came up recently where you can see the Kung Fu panda dancing! it’s a really funny one, you can place the panda everywhere and enlarge it as you like on the video you record using the tiktok camera.

kung fu panda filter on tiktok

Right now this dancing panda filter is getting popular by its usage, the creator called strong_fil developed this amazing ar effect. now around 58.5k+ videos have been made using it gaining many views as well, you can see most of them with people dancing with this panda, fighting with him, and much more creative fun ones!

you can also do the kung fu panda filter video easily by enabling or selecting the right filter on tiktok first from the effects area before you start recording the video. now everyone is using this to make funny videos on Instagram reels too. if you also noticed it on insta that might be taken or saved from the tik tok app and uploaded directly.

if you are also thinking about creating a unique one using this one, it’s the right time to produce content because it’s now a most demanding one, and you will get more views and followers as well by using the proper music and hashtags used by the same videos posted by the creators.

Also check out – Get New Cheek Contour Filter On Tiktok

so let’s find how to get this filter, some users say that by searching for this panda effect they are not able to find it, if you are also facing this error that might be because your country/region may not support it or your device, in this case, you can try using the Best VPN App and change the location to the United States before clearing the cache of the app.

How To get Kung Fu Panda Filter on Tiktok?

To find the Kung Fu Panda Filter,

  • Open your Tiktok App after updating to the new version
  • Tap on the Search icon on the right top side
  • Then type “Kung Fu Panda Filter” and tap the search
  • on the search results, the effect will be shown at the top
  • Now tap on the video icon shown on the right side of the effect name
  • Then you can start making the video by holding the record button using the panda filter!
Use This VPN App if Filters Not Showing/Working!Get now!
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you can also use this Kung Fu Panda Tiktok Filter link to directly open the app without doing the search as well, all you need to do is just select the video recorder icon-only!

if you are looking for the icon of this tiktok kunfu panda filter, here is how it looks like as shown in the screenshot provided below

kung fu panda filter tiktok icon

Here is a video tutorial also provided below,

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